EMMA can be utilized by public safety entities to provide very relevant alerts to populations. This is not unique, there are other software providers that are in this space, however, EMMA provides very unique ways of integration for Reverse 911 into a Public Safety outreach and alerting plan. The local law enforcement or emergency management office or 911 CAD dispatch may be the decision makers and assisting with the budget for this software to a citizen’s geographic area. A perfect example of use might be a local police incident command task force that is always monitoring and policing large public events in confined geographic areas or ‘geofences’ that have known high risks due to the large population that is in a small geographic area. A Public Safety Reverse 911 EMMA Plan allows for citizens from a community or attendees of these events to sign up via a quick app download and an approved code that is provided. QR Codes published on websites or on postings/brochures/fliers and public safety information notices allow for mobile phone users to quickly scan the QR code, download the app, insert the code and enter user data to uniquely identify the citizen (first name, confirm mobile #). Codes can be set to expire, if desired or the user will continue getting alerts, without expiry whenever or wherever there is an alert sent within that EMMA Plan’s extended boundaries of use, as long as they keep the app on their device. Citizens can even be on many simultaneous plans, receiving appropriate alerts from any relevant administrator (their employer, child’s schools, their university, local city, state, county, convention center, hotel, and so on) in places they live, work eat, sleep or play. While we recognize the relevance and need for mass notifications such as the Amber Alert, the underlying relevance of alerts that impact us in our everyday lives is the key to the 2020’s and matches the desire of the population of the US today.