Emergency situations happen at the most inconvenient times and locations. Segmenting community alerts with geofencing allows Incident Commanders, Public Information Officers, Safety Officers, and the like, to deliver critical messages to citizens in the area of immediate risk during imminent threats.

Public safety officials need to actively prepare for and anticipate events that range from critical (like severe weather, active shooters, or rioting and looting) to routine (like community concerts, parades, and construction). In the new normal of complex and unpredictable environments, it is increasingly important to be able to deliver messages to warn populations at risk of imminent threats with the goal of maximizing the probability that people take protective actions and minimizing their delay in taking those actions.

Learn How EMMA Works for Public Safety

Violence in Open Spaces

Active Shooter Incidents

The FBI identified 277 active shooter incidents involving 282 shooters in the U.S. that occurred between 2000 and 2018.

13.3% of incidents occurred open spaces

Ready to explore how first priority push notifications and GPS identification can maximize the probability that people will take protective actions and minimize their delays in taking those actions?

Incidents like the mass shooting in Las Vagas at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in 2017 have made it all the more evident that incident management of crowded venues or special events will require more robust emergency plans — capable of handling both threats and incidents.

With the new normal of complex and unpredictable threats in communities, it has never been more imperative to make every minute matter when it comes to critical event management.

Delivering trustworthy, location-specific information from incident commands directly to the public is something that emergency management officials should expect in an emergency management platform. Smartphones and other mobile phone platforms are a critical link for modernizing and improving the effectiveness of emergency alert notification.

If you are in public safety and seek to maximize the probability that people take protective actions and minimize their delay in taking those actions regarding threats or incidents, then you need to leverage the embedded benefits of smartphone technologies.

EMMA is a state-of-the-art emergency management platform that uses push notifications and GPS identification to assist emergency management authorities in notifying location-based groups of people of potential threats or imminent dangers. Unlike Wireless Emergency Network (WEN) alerts which can’t be responded to, EMMA reports in real-time as crisis events are unfolding, providing visibility to the crisis zone via civilian responses (two-way communication).

Armed with real-time knowledge, incident commanders can increase their speed and decisiveness in order to assess risks and prevent further harm to citizens in a crisis situation.

Public alerts are a typical-use case where geolocation-relevant information is incredibly beneficial. Take for instance a bomb threat scenario at a public concert. With EMMA, a geo-fence could be set to a limited area around the concert venue, allowing an Incident Commander, Public Information Officer, Safety Officer, or other administrators, to see and send citizens within that area critical push notifications regarding the bomb threat and necessary protective actions that should be taken.

Here Is How a Crisis Event Would Unfold With the Help of EMMA

The administrator creates an event and notifies specific user groups (i.e. other administrators; geo-specific populations; 911; on-call responders so even off-duty law enforcement can show up if nearby) via mass communication. Emergency-specific and modifiable notification scripts ensure protocols are followed and help to expedite alerts and response.

Outbound communication is no longer enough. EMMA enables citizens to be active participants instead of just passive listeners. Bystanders at an emergency event can provide valuable feedback (i.e. mark themselves safe or evacuated) and offer first-hand insights into the ongoing situation (i.e. injuries sustained/need help) through two-way crisis communication, as well as continue to receive new information and vital instructions. 

Minutes and seconds matter pre-911 responder arrival. While waiting for Emergency Medical Services (EMS), asset maps within EMMA provide locations of critical assets like emergency response kits that offer medical solutions to various injuries and incidents such as:

  • Bleeding. Shock & Childbirth
  • Fractures & Sprains
  • Breathing, Choking & Drowning
  • Head, Neck & Spine Injuries
  • Heart, Chest Pain & Stroke (including AED Equipment — Automated External Defibrillator )
  • Diabetic Seizures
  • Eye Injury
  • CPR
  • Heat or Cold Overexertion
  • Burns or Electrocution
  • or First Responder bags; and much more. 

Emergency personnel are informed prior to arrival and have access to vital resources via mobile devices — allowing them to secure the area and attend to the injured quickly.

The administrator keeps the event open (manages the event) — continuing communications with groups and users — improving transparency. Once the event is over, the administrator closes the event for it to be archived.

The reports within EMMA provide the critical information needed to make continued quality improvements to emergency management plans, documentation and procedures.


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