EMMA provides for effective modern-day notification, 2-way communication, and emergency management for counties, towns/municipalities, colleges, school districts, large employers and workplaces, hospitality facilities and destinations, hospitals, security companies, and any organization that has many people or attendees on one or multiple premises that needs to manage alerts or notifications and communication to those persons at any time. It allows for effective communication without cell tower connection or data delays caused by the wireless emergency alert notification system during mass disaster/mass use events. EMMA works on any connected device via cell data, network connection, or WIFI, hotspot or emergency mobile ad hoc network (WANET or MANET) or mesh network connection. In addition, it allows management via a dashboard EMMA Admin to improve the communication and data flow during the first many minutes of a threat or incident. Thus, EMMA is unique in that it allows new technology to overcome delays in communication and improve self-sufficiency to prevent or more quickly shut down threats and emergencies and improve outcomes.