What to Look for in an Emergency Notification System

Many of today’s emergency management systems are fragmented solutions cobbling together pieces of outdated technology with antiquated processes. Instead of providing life-saving assistance these systems obstruct or have delays in the exchange of critical information from the onset to the resolution of the crisis.

Multi-Channel Messaging

To reach audiences as quickly as possible, use multiple channels simultaneously: SMS, email, push app alerts, digital signage notifications — you want to put the message in front of people’s eyes where they are, not wait for them to find it.

Interactive Alerts

Allowing people to signal themselves safe, let administrators know that they need help, or even just confirm receipt of messages hugely increases the utility and effectiveness of an emergency notification system.

Audience Grouping

Not all audiences are the same: they’re in different places and at different times, and they need different messages. Audience grouping, within emergency technology, streamlines the notification process allowing you to notify your users more efficiently. Some examples of grouping include: everyone; admin; location; department; and function.

Location Mapping & Geo-Fencing

Using phone location signals it’s possible to establish the location of audiences on campus and ensure they’re out of harm’s way — or warn them if they’re not. This can be combined with interactive messaging.